Friday, August 01, 2008
I love Apple and everything they do (ok not everything), and it shows in the interview that appeared in my profile which they published. However, I cannot be more dissapointed at the "thank you" plaque they sent me "in recognition of my efforts" to help them spread their science webpage. It is a cheap laser printout encaged in a cheap plastic pair of blocks, that looks everything but apple'ish. Men, were they out of hats, t-shirts? I'd kill for those, or at least I would go over the speed limit on my car. Notice that I am not even complaining that I didn't get a thank-you-iPod, even though they certainly give them away to other people that do arguably much less for Apple than the time I spent interviewing and doing movies for the profile. In any case, it comes at a time when APPL is doing bad on the market, the last round of new products has met a lot of criticism and almost failure (mobile Me doesn't support IE by design, and works bad on all browsers by mistake), and the rumors and hate are piling up to an Apple that seems to have gotten the success in their heads. I certainly liked them more a few years back when they were the talented underdog fighting the MS giant evil empire. Right now, with a lot more market share, the ipod and iphone success, MS recognizing Apple's model is better, and so on, they look more and more like an arrogant company that doesn't care so much for making revolutionary products as for squeezing premium money out of marginally improved old successes. And, they certainly don't show any appreciation for their customers or supporters. 
posted by fercook @ 10:59 AM   0 comments
For large values of 1.